Saturday, July 27, 2024

Office of The Chief of Defence Space Administration

Chief Of Defence Space Administration

The Chief of Defence Space Administration, Air Vice Marshal Ahmed Abdullahi Shinkafi, Distinguished Service Star, Field Command Medal, Pass Staff Course, Member of the national Institute (mni), a Chartered Engineer registered by the United Kingdom Council of Engineers and also a registered member of the Council for the Regulation of Engineer in Nigeria (COREN). Air Vice Marshal Ahmed Abdullahi Shinkafi was appointed the 6TH Chief of Defence Space Administration on the 26th June 2023. He assumed office as the Chief of Defence Space Administration on 3 July 2023. The CDSA is a holder of Bachelors of Engineering degree from the prestigious Nigerian Defence Academy. He went on to obtain his Master of Science degree in Aerospace Vehicle Design and Doctor of Philosophy in Aerospace Engineering both from the Cranfield University, United Kingdom. Prior to his resumption of duty as the CDSA, the Senior Officer was the Director of Launch Services and Space Operations in DSA, other appointments held include: Director Research and Development Headquarters Nigerian Airforce, Principal Director Airforce Research and Development Center and Deputy Commandant Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT), Kaduna. AVM Shinkafi is currently an Associate Professor and Visiting lecturer with the University of Abuja and Air force Institute of Technology Nigeria (AFIT). He has participated in several notable research projects within the Air Force and at National Level. He is a principled leader and committed to the realization of the mandate of the DSA, which is to provide space solution and assets to support the armed forces of Nigeria and other security agencies in peace and wartime and also to provide resilient cyber security tools in cyber space. He is happily married and blessed with children.

Chronicle of Chief of Defence Space Administration

Air Vice Marshal TV Udoh

10th February - 18th August 2017

Major General EG Whyte

18th August 2017 - 30th November 2020

Rear Admiral WO Kayoda

30th November 2020 - 31st December 2021

Rear Admiral NA Muogilim

31st December 2021 - 3rd February 2023

Air Vice Marshal AO Jolasinmi

3rd February 2023 - 3rd July 2023

Air Vice Marshal AA Shinkafi

3rd July 2023 Till Date