Saturday, July 27, 2024

All About Us

History, Mission, Vision, Mandate, Acts, and Products and Services


In 2001, the Nigerian Space Policy and Programmes (NSPP) was approved. The NSPP clearly stated that there shall be a Defence Space Command which would facilitate and implement the Defence and security aspects of the National Space Policy and Programmes 2001 for the enhancement of national security and development. Pursuant to the provisions of the NSPP, the Defence Space Agency (now known as the Defence Space Administration (DSA) was established on 9 October 2014. he DSA Act 2016 was enacted by the 8th National Assembly and signed into law on 3 February 2017. DSA therefore harnesses space products and services to aid the Nigerian military and other security agencies in tackling the security challenges faced by the country. This is in recognition of space as a force multiplier. Nigeria as a responsible member of the international community intends to pursue its legitimate ambition in space for security,national development and peaceful purposes for the advancement of humanity. This is in line with the provisions of the United Nations Committee for the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UNCOPUOS) Develop and operate military Space Technologies.


Facilitate an Implement Defence and Security aspect of the National Space policy.

To Develop and operate military Space Technologies.

Support AFN operations both within and outside the country as well as security agencies responsible for internal security through the use of satellites

Provide resilient and affordable Space and Cyberspace capabilities for the AFN and other security and agencies.

Provide Space support for the launching of satellites and other high value payload into Space using a variety of expandable launch vehicles and operating those satellites once in the medium of Space

Establish Space control capable of ensuring the peaceful use of Space through counter Space operations encompassing surveillance, navigation, protection and space intelligence analysis

Establish enhancement centers capable of providing satellite-based weather, earth observation, communications, intelligence, missile warning and navigation, capabilities for the AFN in particular and the country in general. Force enhancement provides direct support to military operations

Expand the knowledge of military officers and men, security and other personnel in the Space Science Technology Development and Management. thereby strengthening human resources development required for the implementation of Defence Space programmes.

Encourage the development and operation of vehicles capable of carrying instruments, equipment, supplies and living organizations through Space.

Co-ordinate Space application programmes and activities in the 3 Services, for the purpose of optimizing resources and develop Space technologies of direct relevance to Armed Forces and national objectives.

Develop strategies for the exploitation of the Outer Space and make this part of the overall national development strategies and implement strategies for promoting AFN and other security agencies participation in the Space industry.

Collaborate with national and international research centers, nongovernmental organizations, universities, private sectors, industries and national and international space agencies and authorities.

Promote active participation of AFN in the activities of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space and other United Nations specialized agencies involved in Space Science and technology applications

Provide support for all military formations, commands, units and institutions in Nigeria for research and development (R&D) projects relevant to the Defence Space Programmes

Conduct training and re-training of personnel involved in defence space activities and undertake all such activities or things as are necessary or expedient for the carrying out of the objects of the Administration and promotion of Space Science and Technology in the AFN and other security agencies


To support the ARMED Forces Of Nigeria and other Security Agencies with relevant space Products and Solutions necessary for the Conduct of Operations in Peace and Wartime in line with the National Space Policy and Programme


To create Space Competence capable of Producing and utilizing Space Assets to meet the Operational requirements of the Armed Forces of Nigeria and other Security Agencies


Defence Space Administration Acts.

Products and Services

Directorate of Earth Observation Services

a. Processing and archiving GEO spatial data. b. Custodian of satellite images and GEO spatial data. c. Maintenance of DSA GEO spatial Data Infrastructure (GDI). d. Provide and conduct GEO spatial intelligence in support of operations e. Perform photo reconnaissance using satellite images and environmental data for national security.

Directorate of Communication Satellite Services

a. Provision of secured, fast and reliable communication to defence formations via satellite

b. Management of strategic satellite communications network for national security

c. Management of dedicated military transponder bandwidth spectrum

Directorate of Launch Services and Space Operations Services

a. Satellite launches.

b. Design and development of rockets

c. Launch pads acquisition and design.

d. Manufacture and custody of propellants

Directorates of Navigation Positioning and Timing Services

a. Support troops on Search and Rescue (SAR) operations

b. Provision of navigation data for target precision and guidance

c. Provision of satellite navigation and position information to military ships, aircraft and terrestrial vehicles.

d. Provision of augmentation and error correction solutions for Global Positioning System (GPS) and other GNSS.

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